🥺Normally if you're here, it's when clicking “Run” to launch your Linkedin Mirrorprofiles account, you get this error:
Once you have this on your Gologin, follow these steps:
Refresh Gologin. To refresh your Gologin, click on “All profiles” or log out and log back in. Try again and if it still doesn't work, go to step 2.
Send us a message on our support chat using the dedicated help buttons.
Click on "I need Help"
Click on "The proxy is slow"
Enter the email of your MirrorProfiles account. Becareful it's not your email but the email of your MirrorProfiles Linkedin account.
This will send an automatic message to the right person in our team, who will update your proxy. Wait about 15 minutes, then repeat step 1 and refresh your Gologin.
In 99% of cases, the proxy corrects itself within the hour. If the problem persists for several hours, we will have to change your proxy. You'll be warned that, depending on the automation tool you're using, you'll also need to change the proxy on your tool 🚀
Our team is available to answer your questions quickly and efficiently. Don't take out a demo to get assistance, as this is reserved only for people who are not yet Mirrorprofiles customers. For fast assistance, use the support chat on our website 😘